What is a Swallow Study anyway?

 Have you or a loved one been having swallowing difficulty and were referred for a swallow study? Did you know what to expect? So often patients referred for a swallow study do not know what to anticipate. 

This is a test performed with a Speech-Language Pathologist in conjunction with radiology.  The swallow study test can be called different names, such as videofluorscopic swallow study, modified barium swallow, or cookie swallow. 

Typically, the Speech-Language Pathologist will provide a variety of foods and liquids for the patient to ingest while taking pictures with an x-ray.  This allows the Speech-Language Pathologist to visualize if the food/drink is moving through the patient’s mouth, throat and into the upper esophagus safely and efficiently. 

If there are difficulties, the Speech-Language Pathologist may try different textures of food/drink, different sitting or head positions, or different techniques such as swallowing twice or coughing after each swallow.  These changes may allow the patient to eat or drink easier and more safely than before.  

If you know someone who could benefit from a swallow study, contact one of the following departments for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Plymouth Campus

Elm Road Medical Campus, Mishawaka

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