Family Medicine Residency Program Receives 5-Year Accreditation

Our Family Medicine Residency Program has been granted institutional accreditation for a full five years – the maximum period awarded – by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).

The ACGME is the governing body responsible for certifying medical training programs for residents and fellows, as well as the institutions that provide the training programs.

Kevin Sherbun, Al Gutierrez, Dr. Steven Gable and Dr. Marty Wieschhaus join staff to celebrate the Family Medicine Residency Program's recent 5-year re-accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).

“Congratulations to all of you, our Medical Education leadership, and all of the training program directors,” said Al Gutierrez, SJRMC’s President and CEO, addressing the entire Family Medicine Residency Program. “This is no easy feat and is a really superb reflection of the educational quality of our training programs.”

The Family Medicine Residency Program is part of Saint Joseph’s Family Medicine Center, located in downtown South Bend, which provides affordable medical care for the many members of the South Bend community. Accreditation by the ACGME ensures a quality atmosphere that not only benefits the many residents in training, but the many patients the facility serves.

“I am very happy with all the hard work that everyone involved with our program has contributed to this,” said Dr. Martin Wieschhaus, Director of SJRMC’s Family Medicine Residency Program. “The day to day efforts put forth make this a great educational atmosphere and a great place for so many patients to come for quality health care.”

The ACGME is responsible for evaluating and accrediting more than 7,700 accredited residency education programs in 110 medical specialties and subspecialties. The Council establishes and updates educational standards for residency programs. The standards specify educational content, teaching activities, patient care responsibilities, supervision, duty hours (as opposed to "work hours"), and program resources and facilities.

Compliance is measured through on-site inspections, including interviews with residents, with every program being visited approximately every 3.7 years. Stakeholders of the ACGME's accreditation process are programs, sponsoring institutions, residents, medical students, patients, government and the general public.

1 comment:

  1. It is possible to get enrolled in a fellowship training program after a few years of practicing general medicine. This will yield not only a constant stipend, but also an advancement and Upgradation in the professional education that helps to enter into the medical residency programs with ease.
